"Let’s not ask what we don’t have let’s ask what we can do with what we do have!"

Dr. Vikram Patel Harvard Medical School

Our Mission

How we’re making an impact

Our 3 cents are also influenced and based on the premises by Vikram Patel’s three thoughts:

“The moment you build community-based care systems that don’t label people with fearsome diagnoses, respect their dignity and autonomy, do not incarcerate and sedate them against their will, and offer care which they value and is evidence-based, you will find the stigma will go away.”

This is not a replacement for the specialised mental health care system; what we’re doing is expanding the footprint and reach of the existing mental health care system deep into the community to reduce the large disparities in access to quality care.” “We define primary care, not as a building where people sit and patients come; rather, primary care is a concept focused on bringing healthcare closest to where people are.”

Our idea of targeted and customised digitisation of mental health issues is not a replacement for the specialised mental health care system. This is just expanding, scaling up the footprint and reach for human well-being. Where resources are limited, a complete back story of a human being from various data points leading to bringing suitable support will usher us much closer to the solution and aid us in making a difference in building a more caring world. The philosophy is that it should be like available tap water; you need it, and it’s there, easily reachable, so that people don’t have to search for it when thirsty.

When the mind has already been cooked thoroughly or, in other words, when people are already in that state of illness, it is more demanding and time-consuming to bring them back. Even in the developed world, it is estimated that only about half of all people with depression are diagnosed and treated. In the developing world, WHO estimates that 85% of people with a mental illness are untreated. Awareness and then early intervention in the initial stages of a mental illness can have significant and life-changing consequences.

It can prevent the escalation before becoming major and reduces the cost of treatment.Support can be provided when the condition is more responsive to intervention. Enhance coping mechanisms and resilience and improve overall quality of life.