
What We Offer

Digital Wellness

As remote operation gains popularity and everyone of us spends less time in physical places, people are challenged with finding a healthy balance. Few tips are good such as switching off notifications, prioritizing tasks, not getting consumed by various business agendas definitely works. But we also have to remind ourselves that any consumption should be based on our needs, situations and will. All the digitisation or technology invasion should serve us the human race, not the other way round. Finding a balance with technology is critical. We’re committed to giving everyone the tools they need to develop their own sense of digital wellbeing.

Alliances Management

Any health ecosystem always works with many alliances to achieve the desired outcome. They regularly bring together stakeholders to work collaboratively to understand the needs of the community, identify gaps and nurture innovative ideas that can enhance the efficiency of the whole system. All the partners, providers and communities are so busy to get the actual ground work done they many times lag the visibility of performance of the systems. As the leadership can create that vision, we can consult and help them to take a seamless journey of discovery, development, and ongoing support for the systems that need to be done for optimum services and more so to bring the services even closer to the more people in need.


Everyone, especially young people should be supported to be mentally healthy and engaged in their communities to the fullest. Striving for that involves actively working with a purpose, a sense of belonging and a vision which is bigger than ourselves. We are committed to discover and develop various ways for the young people, family and friends so that they get support and shoulder the moment they need. Culture also plays a huge role in such a journey. We can assure you that we are the only organization who understands the cultural role in mental health on a deeper level.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse

Various social and cultural factors affect differential rates of illnesses, access to services, and response to treatment and outcomes. Educational attainment, poverty, racism, discrimination, social inequalities, prejudice play a major role which contribute to the severity of illness, often resulting in chronic conditions and poorer outcomes. Healthcare services are often not culturally sensitive or competent adding another layer to the complex nature of help-seeking. In order to deliver equity there must be collaborative thinking and planning between health, technology and people with lived experience. It is crucial to take cultural and ethnic variations into account in order to have healthcare services which are accessible and provide better therapeutic engagement and improved outcomes.


CWTCH - Pursuing Happiness

CWTCH (pronounced as Kuch) is all about wellbeing. It is like driving a car – you must drive safely irrespective of your destination. Wellbeing is a foundation of YOU. You are not alone, we all need a hug at times – CWTCH pursuing happiness – a wellbeing tool for today’s youth.

AConnect - for a better tomorrow

With technology, dedicated services or professional interventions or specified care should be available to all of us all the time. But it’s not true every where. This is like we produce enough food to feed the whole world but still hunger exists. AConnect will create a ecosystem of communities and provides information for the alliances in a given health care for optimum services and more so to bring the services even closer to the more people in need.


Frequently Asked Questions

The youth represents an important human contribution within society since they act as agents of social change, economic development and progress. Our incremental investment enables them to pursue their curious and adventurous goals that’s gonna help them build a better tomorrow.

People who are experienced know what is expected of them and what they can expect from the process. They have better understanding of internal feelings and are well equipped to approach in a more human and inclusive way which brings honesty and commitment in their approach. These vast experience helps build understanding, reduce stigma and discrimination. They help embellish the quality, relevance and knowledge translation towards the solutions.

Interventions are necessary as a social tool when it becomes clear that a loved one cannot be motivated to seek help on their own or be incapable. There is a time for advice and that comes when someone asks for it. If they haven’t asked, lean towards support. Once you give people the space to feel heard, their defenses and the wall they have built up will come down and be much more willing to open up and participate.

Let us, the whole human race whose stomachs are not empty move from the science to scientific humanism, Hi-tech medicine to medical humanism, from war to peace, from hatred to debate, from suspicion to understanding and from religious fanaticism to spirituality where sharing and caring is common to all religions and pave way for religious humanism. Let us show the way to world what true progress and development is all about. “ Generosity is giving more than you can, pride is taking less than you need. When these qualities come as a second nature to a human being, they will generally find they are way happier and healthier within their own life.”- Kahlil Gibran

“I have enjoyed working with Infonity. Their positive attitude, passion for their work and eagerness to help others make Infonity stand out in the field of digital health and mental health consultancy.”

Saurabh Mishra
CEO – ZP MedAdvisor

“A bunch of passionate entrepreneurs who really work hard to make a difference. A people-oriented approach with a strong believe in doing everything to satisfy their clients with honesty and transparency.”

Alok Kulkarni
CEO Cyara

It’s amazing to see what can be done when people who lived by experience in mental health trying to solve mental health care gaps with technology.”

Arindam Chaudhuri
Executive Director Digital Health NALHN

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